Keynsham HC has made goalkeeper training a major focus of its 2023-24 training schedule running regular sessions for its goalkeepers during the club's weekly training, but in December it took this to the next level by bringing in external coaches from Pinpoint Coaching and throwing the doors open to goalkeepers from other local clubs.
Following some amazing feedback, a second session was quickly arranged for February, this time extended to a full day camp for under 16s in the morning and adults in the afternoon. The camp was attended by 24 keepers from local clubs but also from as far afield as Gloucester and Swindon.
Feedback has continued to be hugely positive. One keeper said "The session was amazing; there was a wide range of great skills shown to us and the coaches were so supportive and gave great tips." One youngster said: "I really enjoyed learning floor shuffling. It was very well run and all the stations were great. I learnt loads and had a fab time". Another adult keeper said: "Extremely useful as currently playing for my team in goal, with no specific goalie training, so it was really helpful to learn some techniques that I can take back and build on with my club."
Keynsham HC will run its next camp on Sunday 27th October and would welcome pre-registrations via the website from anyone who is interested.
Our grateful thanks to several members of the club who gave up their time on a Saturday to come along to help! But above all, our thanks to Pinpoint Coaching for being such great coaches.